September 29, 2015 - No Comments!

Our business, Willis Newson, will be on the top floor!

Studio 5 : Willis Newson

‘We create positive, welcoming and engaging healthcare environments by integrating art into the design of architecture, landscape and interiors.’

1218 macmillan runcorn Alison Milner, photo Steve Speller (3)

Integrated art and interior design lends individuality to healthcare environments, supports wayfinding, encourages engagement and creates a strong sense of local identity. Using the latest print and production processes across a range of materials we deliver safe, robust and cost-effective results.

Creative Participation

Creative participation is at the heart of our work. Sensitive and well-managed consultation and engagement means that projects are appropriate and unique to each place, generating a strong sense of local ownership. An evidence-based approach and our pioneering use of research and evaluation means that we deliver design that works.

Through an inclusive and solution-based approach to art and design your patient environments will support compliance with NHS and CQC guidance, BREEAM, the NHS Friends and Family Test and the 15 step challenge.

Knitting art installation by Ali Brown at the 101 NBT Fresh Arts Festival at Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK. September 2015. Picture by Clint Randall

Published by: utilityhouse in Uncategorized

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